Official tourism portal of the Valdichiana Aretina

Tuscan PDO Ham

Explore the Authentic Taste of Tuscan PDO Ham in Valdichiana Aretina

Tuscan PDO Ham is one of the best-loved and most popular culinary delicacies in Valdichiana Aretina, a top-quality product that has been delighting the table not only in this area, but throughout Tuscany, for centuries. The ham is characterised by a round shape, and the weight can vary from 7 to 9 kg. Its origin is so deeply rooted in the territory that we possess ancient documents, which testify to its production as far back as Roman times. It is during the Medici era that we have further hints of the precious product, as well as in the 15th century with the notebooks of the Ufficiali della Grascia (Officers of the Grascia), which testify to the strict regulation of the preparation of Tuscan hams and the long history of the production of this delicious product.

These notebooks were carefully chronicled by the ham producers in the area, detailing processing methods and tracking every step, including sales. This shows the importance and respect that Tuscan ham has gained over the centuries, becoming a true PDO brand of the region.

In Valdichiana Aretina, the production of ham is a deeply rooted tradition, which benefits from the thousand nuances of flavour offered by the quality of the land and the natural feeding of the pigs. This produces a ham of extraordinary quality, rich in flavour and with exceptional nutritional properties. In fact, Tuscan ham is a precious source of high-quality protein, minerals and vitamins B6 and B1, unsaturated fatty acids, and its easy digestibility makes it suitable for any diet.

Discover and savour the authenticity of Tuscan PDO Ham during your visit to the Valdichiana Aretina, a journey through the flavours and traditions of the most genuine Tuscany.

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