Official tourism portal of the Valdichiana Aretina

Le Celle of San Francesco in Cortona

Explore Le Celle of San Francesco!

A mystical place surrounded by the wonders of the Valdichiana Aretina, it is an oasis of spirituality and inner peace. Retracing the steps of the Saint on his way back to Assisi, many Tuscan villages will be touched, including Castiglion Fiorentino and above all Cortona, which is one of the Saint's favourite places.

During his pilgrimages in search of spirituality and charity, Francesco always took refuge in Cortona, leaving an indelible mark on its history through the ancient Franciscan convents, churches, and basilicas that still witness his presence. Le Celle of San Francesco, a hermitage founded by the saint in the 13th century, not far from Cortona, is the most important stop on the route.

Standing in an enchanting valley on Monte S. Egidio, at an altitude of 550 metres, Le Celle Hermitage offers a breathtaking view over the beautiful Valdichiana. The name originates from its caves carved out of the rock and refuge for shepherds, even before the advent of San Francesco, who wrote his religious testament there in 1226. Today, the cells are a place of prayer, guarded by Capuchin friars since 1537. Architecture of the place is characteristic: two bridges, the Barberini Bridge and the Grand Duke's Bridge, lead to the cells, while right at the entrance it is the Oratory of San Franceschino, from whose doors the Chapel of the Holy Trinity is accessed, but it is the cell of the Saint that attracts most of the visits of the pilgrims.

Arriving exhausted at the hermitage the soul finds rest and the spirit is uplifted by the serene atmosphere of the place. The enveloping silence, the warm welcome of the monks, and the unspoilt nature of the valley create a unique atmosphere. Le Celle of San Francesco is the ideal place to find peace and harmony, to contemplate the beauty of nature and, above all, to rediscover the teachings of the Saint, at least in part understanding what Francesco himself experienced when he retired to this hermitage almost a thousand years ago.


Tel.-fax: 0575 601017



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