Official tourism portal of the Valdichiana Aretina

Contemporary Art Gallery in Civitella In Val Di Chiana

The village's cultural hub

Breath the cultural atmosphere experiencing a visit inside the Gallery of Contemporary Art of Civitella in Val di Chiana. Inside works of talented painters who have taken part in the prestigious national painting competition "Premio Città di Civitella". The competition was set up in 1964 to encourage the cultural growth of the local community in the post-war period.

The gallery houses a collection of 98 paintings and 41 sculptures, offering a journey through contemporary art from the early 1970s, starting with the black and white work of Ellisse Pogafsky Hakrs, to the exceptional works of contemporary artists.

Outside are on display sculptures by authors such as Salvatore Cipolla, Marcello Guasti, and Iorio Vivarelli.


Learn more:

Where: Via Martiri di Civitella, 5204

Phone: +39 0575 448006

Opening Hours:

Winter: Open on Sunday afternoons.

Summer: Open on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.


Discover the wonders of contemporary art and be inspired by the creations of talented artists at the Contemporary Art Gallery in Civitella in Val di Chiana.

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Official website of the Valdichiana Aretina Tourist Board created in collaboration with the Region of Tuscany, Toscana Promozione Turistica and Fondazione Sistema Toscana.
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